Born in the USA
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How I feel about the state of America now!
1.Do you think Waco was right or wrong?

2.Do you know or have you ever seen on the news the names of the babies killed in Waco?

3.Was our former president a crook?

4.Is our government trying to turn blacks against whites and vica versa?

5.Was Timothy McVeigh the fastest execution in history?

6.Does our federal government want to become the largest employer?

7.Do you think the government should worry more about foreign or domestic issues?

8.Should the U.N. run our lives?

9.Is abortion the right of humans or God?

10.Do you think the british crown in England thought that George Washington , Paul Revere, ETC. were terrorists?

11.Since the decline in crime do you think there have been alot more police shootings?

12.Are we really told the truth about U.F.O.s?

13. Has chemo. gotten to John McKain's brain?

14. Instead of Waco and Davidians, What do you think will happen when its pentecostals and babtists?

15. If you are found guilty of a civil liability , and not murder, is it called show me the money?

16. How can our government lose the head of our president?

17. Do we have the same government but a different head?

18. Is NASA behind U.F.O.'s so they can control fears and more?

19. Was F.B.I. Hanson more or less worse then McVeigh's 168- When his affected millions?

20. Are drugs a national security issue instead of fed's stealing American property?

21. Are genetically altered foods responsible for the horrible crimes ,such as school shootings , domestic violence, and mothers killing their babies?

22. Can we have seperation of church and state , when politicians call on clergy for votes?

23. Violence against whites , racism or hate crime?

24. Should politicians make laws for us when they are exempt?

25. Should spanish americans be given a pass on taxes for 7 years?

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More coming soon. These are just a few to get you to think.
America the beutiful!
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